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Directors Message

In July 2011 the Bogota Police Department established the Bogota Police, Emergency Services Youth Academy.  Though there are many reasons and benefits for implementing the program, the primary goal is, and always will be, the self esteem of our young people.  The young people of our community must understand that they can achieve and maintain very high standards of formal conduct, physical appearance and social behavior. 

It is my hope that as a community we can create an elite standard that is maintained Borough-wide.  It is also my hope that we can produce future leaders and have a positive effect on business and volunteerism town-wide.  Lastly, we hope to see a significant reduction in negative activity in our schools, along with positive police community relations.

Lets STOP sitting and identifying problems, lets STOP criticizing our young people, lets STOP hiding behind technology.  Let’s START finding solutions, let’s START making ourselves and our kids responsible, let’s START holding ourselves accountable.  Let’s take action.


Sgt. Craig C. Lynch
Program Director
Bogota Emergency Services Youth Academy

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